Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 87

volume Number : 16
number In Volume : 5
issue Number : 87

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16، number In Volume 5، ، issue Number 87

Analyzing the ideology and religion of "Rood -e- Ravi" with an emphasis on sociological criticism

Mojtaba Soltanian , Leila Hashemian (Author in Charge)


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Sociological criticism of the novel as an indicator of the sociology of literature investigates the effect of society on the content of the work and also the effect of the content of the work on society. This essay examines the novel "Rud-e- Ravi" by Abu Torab Khosravi using Lucien Goldman"s developmental constructivism approach and we have tried to analyze the political and social structures governing the author"s and society"s mental space.

METHODOLOGY: The present research will try to show the social atmosphere that governs the world of the author with documentary method, analysis and criticism of the text along with evidence, in order to state that the political, social and cultural structures of the Iranian society in the formation of the author"s mental structures and the emergence of this What is the impact of the novel and what is the relationship between the structures of the society and the structures of the novel.

FINDINGS: By carefully examining the components considered in this novel, it was found that this novel is a completely social work and a product of the author"s mentality and ideological thinking, in which, while examining the social and cultural developments of the society of his era, it is a reflection of social realities. and has shown the ruler of the society.

CONCLUSION: The findings show that this novel was written in a space with postmodernist elements, and uncertainty is seen as the most indicative postmodernist linguistic element of this work. Components such as metafiction and multiple endings have placed this novel in the ranks of postmodernist novels. In addition, the postmodern atmosphere of the novel has depicted an atmosphere of the society of the time of the work, which expresses sectarian and religious concerns and shows a superstitious atmosphere in it. The audience faces a surreal and ambiguous atmosphere where several stories are moving in parallel and traces of truth and illusion are placed together.

Sociology of the novel , Rood-e- Ravi , Abu Torab Khosravi , developmental constructivism , ideology , religion.

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